A Rainy Dragon Day by Julie Volk


What's more perfect than a day on the sofa while the rain patters on the windows? I'm just settling down with books, cocoa, and my long-haired dachshund, when the doorbell rings. It's Fred the dragon, hoping to use the bathroom. There's nowhere suitable for a fastidious dragon.

After rejecting all the usual places, Fred sweeps us off through the storm to a magical world of floating pagoda bathrooms. Every beguiling detail in these illustrations evokes the snuggle of a cozy, rainy day in a funny story that addresses the very necessary question of where dragons go when they need to go.

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What's more perfect than a day on the sofa while the rain patters on the windows? I'm just settling down with books, cocoa, and my long-haired dachshund, when the doorbell rings. It's Fred the dragon, hoping to use the bathroom. There's nowhere suitable for a fastidious dragon.

After rejecting all the usual places, Fred sweeps us off through the storm to a magical world of floating pagoda bathrooms. Every beguiling detail in these illustrations evokes the snuggle of a cozy, rainy day in a funny story that addresses the very necessary question of where dragons go when they need to go.

What's more perfect than a day on the sofa while the rain patters on the windows? I'm just settling down with books, cocoa, and my long-haired dachshund, when the doorbell rings. It's Fred the dragon, hoping to use the bathroom. There's nowhere suitable for a fastidious dragon.

After rejecting all the usual places, Fred sweeps us off through the storm to a magical world of floating pagoda bathrooms. Every beguiling detail in these illustrations evokes the snuggle of a cozy, rainy day in a funny story that addresses the very necessary question of where dragons go when they need to go.

Wild About Babies by Philip Bunting
The Hotel for Bugs by Suzy Senior
Mr Lepron's Mystery Soup by Giovanna Zoboli (highly recommended)